Blog – An article I wrote for a trade publication – “10,000 Hours”
September 29, 2016 - 4 minutes read
I wrote this article for a popular financial advisory blog called the Adviser Lounge
I am thinking a lot at the moment about the route to becoming a top end financial planner. It is partly the work I am doing with Nextgen planners but I am also interested in this anyway. I have always had a chip on my shoulder about age in financial planning. As a young planner, I have obviously had the mantra that if you are good enough, you are old enough.
Advice – 3 Questions to ask yourself before you sell your business
September 14, 2016 - 4 minutes read
I have had quite a few meetings recently with people looking to sell their business. It is the dream isn’t it - sell your business for millions and gain financial freedom overnight. Having been through this with quite a few clients over the years I thought it might be quite valuable to actually raise some questions that a business owner needs to think about when going through the process: