Investment Fee Calculator

Compare fixed fees vs percentage-based fees with Xentum’s investment calculator.

Amount you would like to invest

Year ${currentYear}

Xentum investment return
(fixed fee)
${ investmentData.xentum.value[currentYear-1] | formatNumber } ${ xentumFiscalDifference | formatNumber } ${ xentumFiscalDifference | formatNumber }
Xentum fee Fixed based on complexity
Xentum portfolio ${xentum.platformFeePercent + xentum.fundFeePercent | formatPercentage} Platform & Fund Fee
Industry average, investment return
(${industry.fee|formatPercentage} fee)
${ investmentData.industry.value[currentYear-1] | formatNumber } ${ industryFiscalDifference | formatNumber } ${ industryFiscalDifference | formatNumber }
Industry average adviser fee ${industry.fee | formatPercentage}
Industry average market portfolio ${industry.fundFeePercent + industry.platformFeePercent|formatPercentage} Platform & Fund Fee
Advanced settings
Projected growth ${projectedGrowth | formatPercentage}
Years ${totalYears}
Industry average implementation fee ${industry.implementationFeePercent | formatPercentage}
Industry average adviser fee ${industry.fee | formatPercentage}
Industry average market portfolio ${industry.fundFeePercent + industry.platformFeePercent | formatPercentage} Platform & Fund Fee
With a projected annual growth rate of ${projectedGrowth}%, your Xentum Portfolio will outperform its industry peer by ${ investmentData.xentum.value[currentYear-1] - investmentData.industry.value[currentYear-1] | formatNumber } ${ investmentData.xentum.value[currentYear-1] - investmentData.industry.value[currentYear-1] | formatNumber } at the end of Year ${currentYear}, as a result of our fixed fee structure and marginal gains. Investment amount is too low for any calculations to be made
Full breakdown


The impact of compounding, percentage-based fees over time can be seen in each graph below.

Swipe to view

Year 1
Fixed fees vs percentage
Xentum charges a fixed Implementation & Annual Fee, whilst the Industry average is to charge both of these with a percentage-based fee.
Include WealthPlan™
WealthPlan™ takes you and your family through a clear financial planning process so you can live life to the full, now and in the future. If we implement your WealthPlan™, this fee will be deducted in full.
Industry avg.
${ wealthPlanFee | formatNumber }
Not offered
Implementation Fee
${ xentumImplementationFee - wealthPlanFee | formatNumber } (capped fixed fee)
${ xentumImplementationFee | formatNumber } (capped fixed fee)
${ industryImplementationFee | formatNumber } (${industry.implementationFeePercent|formatPercentage} fee)
Annual Service Fee
From ${ xentumManagementFee | formatNumber } (fixed)
${ industryManagementFee | formatNumber } (${industry.fee|formatPercentage} fee)
External costs
Platform & fund fee(s)
${ xentumPlatformFee + xentumFundFee | formatNumber } (${ xentum.platformFeePercent + xentum.fundFeePercent |formatPercentage})
${ calculateExternalFeePercent(investmentValue, industry.platformFeePercent + industry.fundFeePercent) | formatNumber } (${ industry.platformFeePercent + industry.fundFeePercent |formatPercentage})
${ xentumImplementationFee + xentumManagementFee + xentumFundFee + xentumPlatformFee | formatNumber }
${ industryImplementationFee + industryManagementFee + industryFundFee + industryPlatformFee | formatNumber }
From Year 2 – Year 25

Compounding fees

When your investment grows by 7% every year, our fees don't increase. The Industry average does.
Industry avg.
Year ${ index + 2 }

${ investmentData.xentum.fees.internal[index+1] | formatNumber } (fixed )

+ ${ investmentData.xentum.fees.external[index+1] | formatNumber } (${ xentum.fundFeePercent + xentum.platformFeePercent|formatPercentage } ext. )

${ investmentData.xentum.fees.internal[index+1] + investmentData.xentum.fees.external[index+1] | formatNumber }

${ investmentData.industry.fees.internal[index+1] | formatNumber } (${industry.fee}% )

+ ${ investmentData.industry.fees.external[index+1] | formatNumber } (${ industry.fundFeePercent + industry.platformFeePercent |formatPercentage } ext. )

${ investmentData.industry.fees.internal[index+1] + investmentData.industry.fees.external[index+1] | formatNumber }

Fees charged
After ${totalYears} years
${ | formatNumber }
${ | formatNumber }
Investment return
After ${totalYears} years
${ investmentData.xentum.value[investmentData.xentum.value.length - 1] | formatNumber }
${ investmentData.xentum.value[investmentData.xentum.value.length - 1] - investmentData.industry.value[investmentData.xentum.value.length - 1] | formatNumber } ${ investmentData.xentum.value[investmentData.xentum.value.length - 1] - investmentData.industry.value[investmentData.xentum.value.length - 1] | formatNumber }
${ investmentData.industry.value[investmentData.industry.value.length - 1] | formatNumber }
${ investmentData.industry.value[investmentData.xentum.value.length - 1] - investmentData.xentum.value[investmentData.xentum.value.length - 1] | formatNumber } ${ investmentData.industry.value[investmentData.xentum.value.length - 1] - investmentData.xentum.value[investmentData.xentum.value.length - 1] | formatNumber }

Figures based on Which? January 2024 Industry average market figures.

Use of calculator - This information in this calculator is a guide only and should not be relied on as the fee payable by you. The price of shares and investments and the income derived from them can go down as well as up, and investors may not get back the amount they invested. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance. We do not accept any liability for any loss or damage which is incurred by you acting or not acting as a result of using this calculator. You acknowledge that you use the information we provide at your own risk. The information contained in the document and/or website is for guidance only and does not constitute advice which should be sought before taking any action or inaction. Any fees payable by you will be discussed before you proceed with any recommendation.

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